Kerra Kernow (Beloved Cornwall) by Richard Gendall
Kernewek English

Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
Ha'n mor a-dro dhe jy
Menydh ha logh, karrek hag avon
Pub prys y'th karav vy

Py le pynag my a wra mones
Prest y teu hwelav y'th herwydh klos
Rag nyns eus par dhe'th tir plegadow
Yn le may fynnav mos

Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
Ha'n mor a-dro dhe jy
Menydh ha logh, karrek hag avon
Pub prys y'th karav vy

Y'th balyow down, ena y'th karav
Y'th weythva vysi ha war an kay
Ha war pup tu dha dus karadow
A dharbar dhymmo tre

Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
Ha'n mor a-dro dhe jy
Menydh ha logh, karrek hag avon
Pub prys y'th karav vy

Dha hensyow owr, dha halow mellys
Dha wel, dha brasow, dha beurva wyr'
Ty yw ow bro, ha dhis y treylyav
Kernow, ow mammvro ger

Kerra Kernow ha gwith ow holon
Ha'n mor a-dro dhe jy
Menydh ha logh, karrek hag avon
Pub prys y'th karav vy

Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart
And the seas all around you
Mountain and lake, rock and river
Always I love thee

Wherever I do go
Always I return, close to thee
For there is no equal to your pleasing land
Wherever I wish to go

Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart
And the seas all around you
Mountain and lake, rock and river
Always I love thee

In thy deep mines, there I love thee
In thy busy work places, and on the quay
And on every side, your loving people
Prepare to me a home

Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart
And the seas all around you
Mountain and lake, rock and river
Always I love thee

Thy golden lanes, thy honeyed moors
Thy fertile land, meadows, thy green pastures
Thou art my country, and to thee I turn Cornwall
My dear Motherland

Beloved Cornwall keeping my heart
And the seas all around you
Mountain and lake, rock and river
Always I love thee

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